First off for those of you who don't know. Broody is when a hen sets on eggs in hopes of them hatching. The eggs will only hatch if fertile and for that to happen you need a rooster. Because most people can't or don't want roosters having a breed that goes broody on a regular basis is not a good idea, because when the hen is broody she won't lay any eggs. Most of your modern dual purposes have had the brooding tendency breed out of them. So they are less likely to go broody. Now if you want to raise your own chicks then a breed like the Silkie is a good chose because they are know for brooding any eggs they can. Also for the most part they make great chicken mothers. If you have a rooster then you may want to invest in a candler to check to see if any eggs are fertile. If you do have a hen that goes broody and you want babies just keep an eye on her and let her do her thing. If you don't want babies or don't have a rooster then you want to stop the brooding. One way to do this is to take eggs away from the hen every day and soon she should give up. Some broody hens will puff up and hiss at you or even take a peck at you when you try and collect eggs this is normal behavior. This is the hen's way of trying to protect her babies. If you have a broody that is a furious pecker wearing garden gloves may help protect your hands. In my flock the only ones that I have had go broody have been the bantam breeds.
Question #5 What Color?
To answer this one just go with the color that you like the most. Every color that you can think of you can find a breed that has a tenancy to show that color in their feathering or in their eggs. I have red and black and white as the main colors in my flock.
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