Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rock the crow

It is with great joy that I can finally say that my rooster Rock has found his crow. Over the last several weeks I have heard him practicing and not sound so great. This morning while enjoying my morning caffeine on the patio I heard him loud and clear. When I went over to the yard I saw him in a corner with his ladies standing tall and proud singing to his girls.

Now the next milestone for my Rock is to learn which of the ladies in the yard he can romance. Last night he tried loving my little silver seabright Princess, she is the diva of the yard and the smallest. When he tried to love her she puffed right up and went after him. I wasn't worried for her at all. Once my Rhode Island Reds realized what was happening they join in the fight and Rock couldn't get out of there fast enough. I will be sure to keep you all posted on Rock and all the ladies in the yard.